The excesses and collapse of the Dot com driven "new economy" at the turn of the millennium, and recent revelations of corporate fraud by senior management of Enron, Anderson and others did not occur over-night. They evolved during the last 20 years, which saw the junk bond leveraged buy outs of the 80's, and the corporate merger mania of the 90's fueled by over-inflated paper value hyped by Wall Street. These were the harbingers of what was to come. In Restoring Trust, Mr. Montague, a retired aerospace executive with more than forty years experience focuses on the effective management of enterprises and projects of all shapes and sizes in today's rapidly changing environment. Building on 40 years of high integrity management success, he sets the stage, examining many management issues and pitfalls, the forces at work and their ramifications over the last 20 years.Restoring Trust builds a foundation of key principles, from the perspective of all the stakeholders in an enterprise of any size, offering specific remedies and management methods proven successful in establishing and maintaining credibility at all levels in the business environment. He calls this approach to enterprise and project leadership "Integral Management". The book offers several unique features: Insight into the real world roles and relationships of successful project and enterprise management teams A road map to recognize and navigate through pitfalls of project and organization management A handbook "hands on" approach to achieving an environment of integrity and trust in all facets of enterprise activity and management. Comprehensive presentation of proven methods with examples of their use in successful enterprises Examination of model organizational alternatives and behavior that can help or hinder success.